The First Silver Hair
Day 6
Grateful for (out of 1000):
41. Friday spilling through the windows all bright and gold
42. The cute ceramic cat mug I drink coffee from
43. For my sister, who reached out to me today for no reason except to say hi
44. Delicious food for dinner
45. Having a drink on the porch with my love overlooking the sunset
46. Pennsylvania turning blue
47. The bright, dancing, burning flame of a candle
48. Talking about life hopes and fears with friends
49. For frosted brownies
50. Discovering today my first, ever, silver hair
Today, while staring at myself in the mirror as sometimes happens, I noticed something and stared even closer. Sure enough, a bright silver hair stared back.
I’ve waited for this moment for years.
Ever since I was little I wanted silver hair. Particularly after seeing X-Men, I wanted to have a streak of silver hair like Rogue. It’d be so cool. It’d be different than just the brown, dark hair I was born with. I’d be different.
I looked to hope to my aunt, who had lots of silver hair twined in her hair since I’ve known her. Everyone said I looked like my aunt. I hoped this would mean I would also have her hair one day.
I also liked reading books with a phrase that sounded something along the lines of “and her hair was twined with silver”. It sounded so romantic and poetic and so very dignified.
I remember the moment I discovered my ex’s first silver hair. He was lying across my lap and I was moving my hand through his hair, and I noticed the silver. And he had moaned and groaned and gone immediately into a small life crisis, but I had thought it super cool if a bit scary — a sign that you had crossed some sort of threshold.
And now, staring at myself in the mirror, I discovered this cross of threshold of a sorts. A first, silver hair.
I am grateful for this moment. It’s a promise to my younger self who always wanted this moment, that I am also excited for this moment.
I’ll look great with silver hair.