Just wanted to add to this thoughtful response - that your children will see the faults as they get older. My mother raised us and told us over & over again our father's shortcomings and so we became comfortable demonizing our father (and we weren't allowed to see him), but as we got older we realized how much our dad did and the sacrifices he made, and we became resentful of our mom because of how she ugly she portrayed him. So in that sense, it backfired on her.
All five of us kids now see our parents as having done their best and being flawed in their own ways, like all adults are. So I do think your children's minds will change as they get older.
It sounds like your children love their dad, and that you are giving them the opportunity to do so without telling them what to think of him, even if you have opinions. I'm glad! That shows maturity on your part.
It sounds like you could make some time for yourself, just with all the good things you are doing, to take a break and nurture yourself. Writing/playing/laughing/walking/talking with a friend.